When The Right Things Don’t Work.
Our daily rhythms have far more impact on our mental and physical health than we realize - but they're the easiest to dismiss because they don't often work with the demands of modern life.
TLDR: Changing your habits without changing your heart will always only give you minimal or temporary results, so addressing matters of the heart is vital for health and healing.
You can do all the "right" health things and still be in pain.
You can do all the "right" food things and still not lose weight.
You can do all the "right" sleep things and still be stuck awake.
We are all really good at doing things so that's what we stick to.
Problem is, the power isn't found in the thing, as much as it grows from a series of things; activated by beliefs and established by practice.
It's kind of like how you can go through the motions of religion and never have an intimate relationship with The Living God.
People do 'religious things' all the time - If they have trauma around rejection or abandonment and believe they'll only experience God when they're good enough, their practices will revolve around earning healing and deserving love.
Unfortunately, it backfires because that's not how God's love or healing works, and often leaves people feeling more abandoned or rejected than before.
The practices were good, but activated by broken understanding, they are not only fruitless, but full of thorns.
{If you're doing all the right things but not making progress, there's a good chance, you're doing a lot of good things, motivated by rotten beliefs}
I'm not saying that lack of results on your end is a mindset thing, though that's always part of it in some way or another.
More importantly, lack of results has far more to do with impatience, stubbornness or defeat.
Impatience wants results faster.
Stubbornness wants the results to come in a specific way.
Fear doubts results are possible and struggles to commit.
All are interconnected by a deep-seeded belief that we have to perform or become something better to be loved or to be safe.
My encouragement to you today is to maybe spend some time over the weekend reflecting, journaling and praying ...
Ask God to show you where your feelings inadequacy might be driving or sabotaging your habits and healings.
Under sleeping?
Weak relationship boundaries?
Under or over eating?
Under or over exercising?
To truly heal and conquer your areas of chronic suffering, you first must learn to rightly see.
So next week, we'll be focusing on Seeing & Being.
I'm still mapping out what that looks like on the calendar, but I'd like to include a fusion of health coaching conversation and Bible study, so make sure you’re in The Foundry or email me to not miss those details!
In Spirit & Truth,